Forever Man Utd

Forever Man Utd

Forever Man Utd

Forever Man Utd

Forever Man Utd

Forever Man Utd

Thursday 3 May 2012

The Things We Do and Say...


Hari ni ak nk cerita sikit perihal peribadi ak.xder la personal sgt.sajer nk share pengalaman.huhu.

Gua ni boleh di katakan berpengalaman la bekerja mkn gaji ni.Byk juga asam garam yg aku redah untuk 'mencari sesuap nasi'.Pernah satu tahap ak 'stay-back' di office 72 hours untuk siapkan 'proposal'.psl ni ak citer  kemudian hari.

Di zaman globalisasi ini, seseorg individu dalam bidang ak perlu efficient,creative,self-motivated, a team player and competitive.Dalam bidang pekerjaan ak ni juga, seseorg itu perlulah banyak bersabar, sabar dan terus sabar mengharungi liku-liku dan pancaroba tugasan yg diberikan.

Di sini ak bukan nk "bitchin'"(mengeluh) psl "workload" ak, tp nk citer psl majikan2 ak skrg dan yg lepas. Dlm dunia globalisasi ni, majikan merupakan org penting dlm sesuatu organisasi.Majikan ni boleh di umpamakan seperti "bapa" dan pekerja sebagai "anak". Kalo si "bapa" menunjuk ciri-ciri kepimpinan yg baik, maka "anak2" dia akan lebih kurang sama dgn si 'bapa" itu.

Kalo nk bandingkan majikan ak yg lepas, bos/Principal and office ak yg skrg ni kira "chillex" la. Principal ak mmg cool sbb dia dh berumur.kehkehkeh.ak nk bercerita psl member dia,yg bekerja di office ni. Member dia ni mmg rapat dgn dia sejak zaman bdk sekolah rendah dulu, kita panggil jer dia ni Willy Nel or Willy. Willy ni kira byk berjasa lah dh dgn company ak skrg ni, dr mula bertapak smpai skrg. Willy ni org dia sempoi sbg seorg individu.Dtg office dgn Converse hi-top, sluar pendek,bag-pack, rambut pjg dan ber'bandana' di keliling kepala. (I kid u not, he will wear that in the office).

The REAL Willie Nelson

Anyways,being all-chill-back-guy,when he's working he's strict,serious,efficient and committed.He likes to make decision on the spot during inspection and no time wasting on petty little things such as "write in officially and hand out drawings".a lot of things ak blaja dgn dia,and I have respect to the guy,but he has this habit which overwhelmed my respect for him.

 What is it you asked? well Willy ni,dia ske mencarut bila dia hangin.wa x tipu lu brader.ada skali ni dia maki bdk recep ak "p*k*m*k!".Bodoh,stupid and "f*ck" tuh mmg x pyh cerita la.mmg dah slalu luar dr mulut dia.
How bad is his habit?it came to a point where the receptionist cant stand of being cursed she resigned within 24hours notice!that bad!x pyh la ak cerita secara detail,apa yg pasti, walopun tahap mana kita marah,mmg budak pompuan x patut kena maki la.

So di sini, ak bg nasihat kpd korang (dan diri ak juga), there's no such thing as a "perfect" or "utopian" work place. somethings you just have to put up with it with a smile.hadapi dgn senyuman bak kata member ak. kalo korg rasa x tahan sgt cari kerja baru which hopefully will appreciate or pay you more.surely there's pros and cons but in order to gain something you have to sacrifice something. Another advise is, later in life,if you become the boss or some one in a higher rank please do not follow your predecessor's bad habits.It wont make you any better than them.

As for me,ak tunggu masa je nk habiskan project kat USJ Heights dengan la sbb dia senior ak and ak nk blaja once the project is complete it will look good on my resume.hehe.In the mean time, kalo ak kena tempias, ak akan hadapi dgn senyumana and anggap ak hanya menolong seorg "warga emas".haha!

peace y'all!i'm out!