Forever Man Utd

Forever Man Utd

Forever Man Utd

Forever Man Utd

Forever Man Utd

Forever Man Utd

Friday 30 March 2012

Oouh! BeriHitam dipotong Pisau lipat!


Untuk pengetahuan kalian semua,ak ni peminat/pengguna Blackberry yg agak 'hardcore' la.yeah2!BB is for old man,lame,x cool,x hipster and yadda,yadda,yadda!(like i care!) seperti biasa gua pernah di 'tegur' oleh bini kesayangan gua mengenai penggunaan BBM dlm urusan seharian (borak kosong je).Bdk2 gua hampir smua pakai BBM, so nk communicate senang.Penah, bdk2 ofis ak beli Blackberry semata2 nk main BBM.

Yes,RIM is in the pit of the abyss.but cekidauttt this leak here!

The BlackBerry blade!yeszarr!future BB is here!although its still conceptual,but most of BB users dah menggidam benda-alah ni!termasuk la kawe.korang baca specs dia mmg best!(wiping the drool now).ak bru ingt nk angkat Bold 9900.x jadi la mcm ni.kumpul duit lagiieee!!uhuhu!

Mamaaaaa~!can I borrow credit card!